Restoration of models NS F6

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Restoration of models NS F6

Messaggioda edemy2001 » 02/02/2020, 11:06

In the years 1984 - 1987 I participated in competitions NS F6. At the urging of my son (30 years old), this year I started rebuilding the models. Here you can see archival and contemporary footage of models and competitions at world championships:
I started with the easiest one because I'm not a ship modeler at all. I am a radio amateur and my main involvement was to make the automatics complement the radio control of the models. Subsequently, I participated in competitions, managing the landing barge and a lifeboat. The easiest was to start from the lifeboat. This is what the boat looked like after 32 years stay.
DSCN6542a.JPG (226.31 KiB) Osservato 7182 volte

I bought a 3D printer and with it I printed on the appropriate scale superstructure from here: . I also added elements that I designed. What looks like a chimney is actually a barrel that launches a red signal rocket. The old boat also has a stern box that emits red smoke. The same should be added to the restored boat. The boat now looks like this:
DSCN6637a.JPG (202.03 KiB) Osservato 7182 volte

The first running test after so long is here: After the running tests, I added the onboard lights, but I don't have a new photo at the moment. In the meantime, I started designing a new Arduino-based automatics. The old one:
DSCN6528a.JPG (198.26 KiB) Osservato 7182 volte

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And most of the new:
DSCN7052a.JPG (161.01 KiB) Osservato 7182 volte

In the future, I will inform you again.
Good luck in the endeavors and have a nice day!
Messaggi: 13
Iscritto il: 12/11/2019, 8:40
Località: Bulgaria, Stara Zagora

Re: Restoration of models NS F6

Messaggioda Francesca » 02/02/2020, 16:21

Welcome Evgeni.Your reportage is very interesting and I'm curious to see next steps! :P

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Re: Restoration of models NS F6

Messaggioda edemy2001 » 04/02/2020, 8:09

Francesca, thanks for your feedback!
Restoration will be slow and difficult for me, because as I mentioned I am not a modeler and I will still be learning, and I will count on your help with tips! Here are some saved videos from the time the models were in operation:
I'm sorry to write in English in your forum. I don't know Italian, but English so much that I can check approximately what uncle Google translatе ... :lol:
Messaggi: 13
Iscritto il: 12/11/2019, 8:40
Località: Bulgaria, Stara Zagora

Re: Restoration of models NS F6

Messaggioda alimurimeta » 05/02/2020, 9:59

Hi Evgeni, I renew the welcome greeting in the forum. I am very interested in the automation system with arduino. Have you ever implemented a connection system between arduino and robbe futaba multiswich modules?
Still on the Arduino theme: could you provide information on electronic components and programming sketches to implement a lighting control, perhaps already with 3V output for LEDs?

Congratulations on your electronic skills and the videos you shared with all of us.
    Francesco G. - ALIMURIMETA
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Iscritto il: 01/06/2013, 9:51

Re: Restoration of models NS F6

Messaggioda edemy2001 » 06/02/2020, 9:01

No, I didn't make a connection between arduino and robbe futaba multiswich modules. Yes, I'll write about the schemes when I'm ready. My son is a professional programmer. I mostly rely on him for sketches, even though I do. All modules are powered by a 12V rechargeable battery LiIon 2Ah. I use DC/DC ifnvertors to power the LEDs of this kind:
0.jpg (28.06 KiB) Osservato 7146 volte

The input voltage 4.75 V - 23 V
The output voltage 1.0 V - 17 V adjustable
The output current peak 3 A and 1.8 A long time
I adjust the output voltage until I reach the optimum current through the LED.
On this model I will try different systems that I will use for restoration. The onboard and mast LEDs are thus powered, as is the radar engine. In case of convenience, I will shoot the modules I have put.
DSCN7004_1a.JPG (173.77 KiB) Osservato 7146 volte

For the management of the models I will use inexpensive radio controls for travel. And, to manage the pyro effects, I'll use ESP32 and Arduino. When I'm ready to manage through ESP32 I'll write about schematics and sketches.
Have a nice day!
Messaggi: 13
Iscritto il: 12/11/2019, 8:40
Località: Bulgaria, Stara Zagora

Re: Restoration of models NS F6

Messaggioda alimurimeta » 06/02/2020, 12:48

Hi Evgeni, thanks for the information. For the lighting system of my models I use a BEC which supplies a maximum output current of 7A at 5V. But I am forced to use resistors to lower the voltage to about 3v to make the LEDs work. The input voltage to the BEC is 7.4 v from the lipo battery. I also use electronic switches to control the LEDs on and off via radio.

Regards and see you soon
    Francesco G. - ALIMURIMETA
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Iscritto il: 01/06/2013, 9:51

Re: Restoration of models NS F6

Messaggioda Stefano » 15/03/2020, 18:36

Ciao Evgeni, sono molto interessato alla applicazione di Arduino con ESP32, sto sistemando la mia Seabex one ( Modellismo navale Dinamico) e vorrei implementare Arduino per il controllo delle luci e segnalazioni.
Aspetto con ansia i tuoi prossimi post.
Hi Evgeni, I am very interested in the application of Arduino with ESP32, I am adjusting my Seabex one (Modellismo navale Dinamico) and I would like to implement Arduino for the control of lights and signals.
I look forward to your next posts.
Modellismo, modellismo sempre modellismo
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Messaggi: 35
Iscritto il: 14/01/2013, 22:45
Località: Roma

Re: Restoration of models NS F6

Messaggioda edemy2001 » 27/03/2020, 11:48

Hi, Stefano
First, sorry for being late answer. I have little time for modeling.
So far, we've just tried with my son to connect two ESP32 and transmit data 100 meters away
urban environment, which guarantees us that outdoors will not start to explode pyroeffects when not needed! :o :lol:
Messaggi: 13
Iscritto il: 12/11/2019, 8:40
Località: Bulgaria, Stara Zagora

Re: Restoration of models NS F6

Messaggioda Stefano » 28/03/2020, 12:04

Ciao Evgeni, come vanno gli effetti pirotecnici? spero tutto bene. :D
Il collegamento Wireless lo vorrei fare con i moduli NRF24L01 oppure con APC220, cosa ne pensi? :?: comunque ho ordinato gli ESP32 da Amazon per poterli sperimentare.
Sto realizzando il circuito stampato per comandare gli ULN 2803 con gli SN74HC595 per il comando dei led della barca. :shock:
Tienimi informato sugli sviluppi del collegamento wireless. :P :P
Hi Evgeni, how are the pyrotechnic effects going? I hope all is well. :D
The wireless connection I would like to do with the NRF24L01 modules or with APC220, what do you think? :?: however I ordered the ESP32s from Amazon to be able to experiment with them.
I am building the printed circuit to control the ULN 2803 with the SN74HC595 for the control of the LEDs of the boat. :shock:
Keep me informed about developments in the wireless connection. :P :P
IMG_3192.JPG (150.49 KiB) Osservato 5629 volte
IMG_31.JPG (192.1 KiB) Osservato 5629 volte
Modellismo, modellismo sempre modellismo
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Messaggi: 35
Iscritto il: 14/01/2013, 22:45
Località: Roma

Re: Restoration of models NS F6

Messaggioda edemy2001 » 29/03/2020, 7:54

Hi, Stefano
In those years when we were making models and participating in competitions, there were no pyrotechnic bombs on sale. We did them ourselves.
DSCN5286a.JPG (151.02 KiB) Osservato 5618 volte

We did the electric lighters ourselves.
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They fired from barrels. Everyone salvo six each barrels.
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After restoration one group barrels look like this.
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DSCN5295a.JPG (150.68 KiB) Osservato 5618 volte

At the first samples were errors. They were still banging on turning on the equipment for telecontrol. Then we added the "and" scheme. Two commands had to be submitted at the same time to trigger the pyro-effect and the problem was solved. However, we did this after our colleague burned his pants! :lol: :lol: :lol:
Messaggi: 13
Iscritto il: 12/11/2019, 8:40
Località: Bulgaria, Stara Zagora


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